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Admissions and exclusions policy


Our policy reflects the DfE guidance, in particular ‘School Admissions Code’ (DfE Dec 2014). This policy should be read in conjunction with the policies listed below:


• Non-discrimination and Inclusion

• Safeguarding and Child Protection

• Anti-Bullying

• Behaviour and Discipline

• Complaints


Our school has a rolling admissions policy and we evaluate and interview applications as they are received versus waiting to evaluate all applications after a hard deadline. Our school will continue to evaluate applications until we have filled all the slots for a class.


This policy aims to outline the admissions process of our school, as well as provide relevant

information to families looking to join. It also outlines exclusions and the process that is followed for both fixed-term and permanent exclusions.

School admissions are first come, first serve, where registrations will be made after a discussion

with the family about if the child’s needs can be met by The O’Brien International School and College.

If spaces are currently unavailable, upon receipt of the application/registration form and payment of the registration fee, the student’s name will be placed on the waiting list for entry into the correct year. The student’s name may be removed from the list at any time at the request of the parents.



The O’Brien International School and College seeks to provide a disciplined and ordered family community in which education and learning can flourish. When accepting a place, parents agree that their son or daughter should be subject at all times to the school Rules and Regulations in force.

The school will encourage students to adopt positive attitudes and values such as consideration, honesty, and respect for others.  High standards of behaviour are expected at all times and bullying in any form is unacceptable.

The O’Brien International School and College Terms and Conditions confer upon the Head the power to impose the sanction of suspension or expulsion on any student for any cause which they consider adequate.

Suspension may be ordered if a student persists in misdemeanours after warnings or is involved in bullying, anti-social behaviour, theft, lying, bringing prohibited articles or substances to School. This gives the student a chance to consider, if possible, with the help of discussions at home, the possibility that expulsion may subsequently be ordered unless conduct improves.


Expulsion may be ordered in certain circumstances, normally following suspension except in cases of serious misconduct. If this sanction is being considered, both the student and parents will normally be invited to a meeting with the Head. Parents may in some cases be offered the

opportunity to withdraw the student. In other cases, the Head may expel the student forthwith. The appropriate procedure to be adopted in any case is entirely at the discretion of the Head.

We do not wish to exclude any student from school, but sometimes this may be necessary. The O’Brien International School and College has therefore adopted the DFE’s national standard list of reasons for exclusion and follows their standard guidance in any decision to exclude a student from school.


Only the Head (or the acting Head) has the power to exclude a student from school. The Head may exclude a student for one or more fixed periods, for up to 45 days in any one school year. In extreme and exceptional circumstances, the Head may exclude a student permanently. It is also possible for the Head to convert a fixed-term exclusion into a permanent exclusion if the circumstances warrant this.

If the Head excludes a student, she/he informs the parents immediately, giving reasons for the

exclusion. At the same time, the Head makes it clear to the parents that they can, if they wish, appeal against the decision to The O’Brien International School and College. The school informs the parents how to make any such appeal.

The Head informs the owner about any permanent exclusion, and about any fixed-term exclusions beyond five days in any one term.

When the management meet to consider exclusion, they consider the circumstances in which the student was excluded, consider any representation by parents, and consider whether the student should be reinstated.

If the management or owner decide that a student should be reinstated, the Head must comply with this ruling.

Monitoring and Evaluation

As with all our policies, The O’Brien International School and College will strive to ensure this policy is effective, follows the relevant guidance, and adheres to the principles of the school. This will be achieved through regular monitoring and evaluation by the Head, who holds the responsibility of this policy. During this review, amendments will be made where necessary and agreed upon with the Proprietor.

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