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Anti Bullying Policy

Anti Bullying Policy

The O’Brien International School

This policy takes note of the DfE Guidance "Bullying – Don’t Suffer in Silence" and "Safe to Learn – anti-bullying in schools”.

 Definition, Aims and Objectives of the School Anti-Bullying Policy Bullying is defined as behaviour by an individual or group, usually repeated over time, that intentionally hurts another individual or group either physically or emotionally.

Specific types of bullying include those related to;  Race, religion or culture, SEN or disabilities, Appearance or health conditions, Homophobic attitudes, Sexual orientation, Looked-after children or home circumstances, Cyber bullying which is the sending of offensive or degrading images or messages via the internet.

The School offers students a balanced and broadly based curriculum which: promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of students at the School and of society; and prepares students for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life

The School aims to:  eliminate the incidence of bullying in this School, create a safe environment for all students and staff. The School will work towards these aims in partnership with the parents/carers. The aim of the antibullying policy is to clarify the system of dealing with a bullying incident and outline the content and manner in which anti-bullying education will be delivered.

Other School policies which have relevance to the anti-bullying policy are: Equal Opportunities, Child Protection, Health and Safety, Special Needs, Drug Education Objectives: To ensure that there is an effective system of monitoring bullying incidents in place. To provide guidance on how bullying incidents should be responded to.

Also to set out a programme of awareness raising and education on the issue with both staff and students. Morals and Values Framework, The School believes that all staff and students have the right to feel safe and secure in the school environment.

The School encourages the following values: respect for self, respect for others, responsibility for their own actions, responsibility for their family, friends, school and wider community Equal Opportunities

This School is committed to working towards equal opportunities in all aspects of School life. All resources used will support this commitment. Content The anti-bullying education programme will: provide information that is relevant and appropriate to the age and developmental stage of the students. Develop skills of assertiveness, communication and effective dialogue in relationships, enabling students to deal with conflict and feelings e.g. anger, encourage the exploration and clarification of values and attitudes, rights and responsibilities foster self-esteem, positive self-image and confidence.

Topics visited will include:  feelings and relationships, personal safety, lifestyles and culture, growing up, conflict resolution, peer pressure. Organisation of Anti-bullying education will be co-ordinated by the Deputy Director. The School will treat seriously all incidents which are brought to the attention of the staff. The victim will be listened to.

A record of the incident will be documented on an incident/referral form and appropriate actions will be taken. Parents/Carers will be notified and kept informed. Witnesses will be interviewed and a record made. The perpetrators will be interviewed and a course of action will be decided dependent on individual circumstances.

Outline of Monitoring Procedures Records will be kept of all reported bullying incidents reported to the Assistant Principals who will provide support to students and liaise with parents/carers. An observation in the record will be made as to how these facts were obtained e.g. hearsay, gossip, observation, the age and gender of all students involved, the nature of the incident and type of response made. The bullying record book will be regularly monitored and follow up interviews with students will be implemented. A factual brief summary of the incident will be placed in the victim’s and bully’s file. These records can be accessed by Heads of Year and Deputy Director and are available for viewing on an appointment basis. These files will be held according to school policy. The School Council will be regularly updated on and asked to report their findings and concerns via regular meetings. A peer mentoring system has been introduced and peer mentors have been trained.

Every individual who has contact with the students will be CRB checked. Confidentiality Students will be made aware that some information cannot be held confidential and that their best interests will be maintained. Disclosure or Suspicion of Possible Abuse The O’Brien International School has a Child Protection policy and procedure for dealing with child sexual abuse based on DfE guidelines and recommendations. The deputy director will be involved in parent/guardian liaisons and kept regularly updated. Complaints Procedures Any complaints about the anti-bullying procedures or programme should be made to the Administrative Officer, who will report to the management of the centre.

Disciplinary Procedures The School will handle each case individually recognising that the future of the students involved could be affected by the decision and subsequent action employed. Incidents outside the School The procedures laid out in this policy equally apply to any incidents off School premises where the student/s are involved in School activities.

Incidents outside the School may be communicated to the Guardia Civil. Dissemination of the Policy. All staff members have access to this policy on the internet. An Evaluation and Review Possible success indicators, which will indicate the effectiveness of the programme, will include:  rare reports of bullying, more students reporting that they feel the School is trying to do something to reduce and prevent bullying, students feeling that there is no bullying in the School. Feedback from staff, parents/carers and students will be used to indicate the effectiveness of the procedures and education programme.

The policy will be reviewed annually using a consultative process which identifies teacher, student and parent feedback on the anti-bullying education programme.

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