Scholarship Information
Choosing your child's learning environment is one of the most important decisions you may ever make. Finding the best school for your family means selecting one that is trustworthy, reputable, academically excellent.
W wish to invite all year 11 students in the local area to apply to our annual Scholarship program. The scholarship is open to students from any school within the area. The fund is worth over 11,000 euro to the lucky winner.
It is likely that you may have questions, and we aim to provide the information you need during an in-person visit to our school.
To express an interest or reserve a place please contact 615466398 see contact details on our webpage https://theobrienlanguagecen.wixsite.com/-the-obrien-academy.
Congratulations to Taylor Hirst our 2023 scholarship winner and Ellie Warren our 2024 winner.
Register your interest for Scholarship Examination in (May half term).