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Mobile phone policy

Mobile phone policy.

Mobiles are prohibited in the school as per the registration contract (signed by all parents) and Communidad Valenciana law. Students may bring the mobile to the office and deposit with Victoria at their own risk.

Possession of a mobile in the school is not permitted, if a student is found to have a mobile on or near their person then the following consequences will be applied.

The first infraction, mobile confiscated for the day, returned at the end of the following day.

Second infraction, parents called and asked to come and collect the mobile phone at a mutually agreed time.

Third infraction, parents will be called to come and collect their student and the mobile. The following day the students and the parents meet with the director where the rules and the consequences of any further infraction will be clearly explained.

Any further infractions and the student will be advised to look for another school as the student cannot follow our rules.

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